Tuesday, 27 February 2007


Don’t you just hate biology work. I was feeling optimistic about my last piece I handed in and it come back to be marked at level two. That’s crap. It’s roughly and E. Even Bennett did better than me (no offence to him but I have to help him in class). I thought I’d done well on it, but that just shows my biological knowledge.Also I asked the teacher for an extension for the plan of the next bit of coursework, which is now even more important so I can replace the last crap one, as I have my grade 7 on the same day. He doesn’t think he can give it to me, as it would mean marking the coursework that was handed in late this time. AHHHHHHH!!! Now I’m stressed!!!!!!

1 comment:

Fruitcake!! said...

Have you told him that you have your flute exam so are struggling to fit everything in?